Analisis Pengembangan Media Interaktif Berbasis Power Point pada Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh di MI Darussaman


The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit our nation has affected various aspects of our lives. One of those affected is educational activities. This can be seen from the changes in the process of learning activities. Before this pandemic, teaching and learning activities were carried out face-to-face in the classroom. However, with the Covid-19 pandemic, learning activities must be carried out remotely at home. Some of the problems that have arisen since the implementation of distance learning, one of which is that educators find it difficult to make the right media to use in implementing distance learning. Educators are required to develop creative ideas using creative technology media. The media used in distance learning greatly affects the learning that will be accepted by students. Power Point-based interactive media is one of the right media to be used in the distance learning process. Power points that are made interesting with explanations of the material and various pictures in it make students interested, especially for children in elementary school. These children who are still in elementary school tend to get bored easily by just listening to the teacher explain the material, let alone just staring at the screen. For this, educators must develop media creatively so that they can attract students' attention so that students can still get learning and learning can be conveyed properly by using this interactive media

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