Pelaksanaan Pembinaan Camat Kepada Pemerintah Kampung Di Kecamatan Sabak Auh Kabupaten Siak (Studi Pembinaan Penghulu Tentang Ketentraman Dan Ketertiban)


The purpose of this research is to know the Implementation of Camat Development to Village Government in Sabak Auh Subdistrict Siak Regency (Study of Penghulu Penghulu About Peace and Order. In this research, the researcher uses quantitative descriptive method that describes, mengimput data from various situations and vaiabel that exist in the object of research include picture about condition, siatuasi or variable exist in this research object. Therefore, the authors will attempt to describe, summarize the various conditions, situations arising on the object so that can be obtained a clear conclusion about the research referred to this research conducted at the Office District Sabak Auh Siak District. From the results of the discussion that has been done then can be concluded among others are: Implementation Guidance Camat To Village Government In Subdistrict Sabak Auh Siak Regency is in the category quite done, it can be known from the recapitulation of respondents' answers as much as 41.7% replied that the Implementation of Coaching Camat On Village government in Sabak Auh Sub-district of Siak Regency is categorized as Fairly Implemented. Anywhere which become obstacles from the implementation of the development of the Village Head To The Village Government Subdistrict Sabak Auh Siak District is less serious and less strictly the District Government in terms of conducting guidance on the administration of the village because the coaching is only limited to the ceremony and it is only done to Pengulu only and Pengulu is less informed to Kampung Device, and still less optimal ability of Human Resource of Kampung Government in managing his village this inidisebab less coaching done by District Government as well as planning in all aspect to fulfill requirement of duty as government of Districts

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