Online Class Adaptation of Graduate and Post Graduate Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh


Online class is defined as a mode of class conducted using electronic devices through the internet. There are various obstacles to adapting online classes smoothly. The objective of the study was to evaluate the adaptation of online classes of graduate and postgraduate students and to scrutinize the barriers and benefits of it. There are both primary and secondary data used in this study. The research was conducted from January - May of 2021 surveying a questionnaire of 890 samples. Some simple statistical tools; pie-chart, bar diagram and tables were used to analyze data and present the result. The findings showed poor connection; poor motivation; unreliable technology; limited timeframe of class; inappropriate support; and minimal course design were the limitations of online class and had limited benefits. The government and institutional authorities should take academic decisions focusing on the barriers. Keywords: Online Class, Covid-19 Pandemic, Online Platform, Barriers, Bangladesh DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-16-05 Publication date:August 31st 2021

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