Determination of Energy Balance and Economic Analysis of Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus) Production in Tillage Methods


Energy whatever might be its source viz. human, animal, machine, electricity, solar, seed, chemical, fertilizer, gasoline or diesel has become a crucial input of agriculture right from preparatory tillage to the disposal of farm produce, energy input is necessary. This study investigates the energy balance and economic analysis of cucumber production in tillage methods. A tin of 50 g of treated cucumber seeds was planted in three different tillage systems namely; reduced, minimum and maximum tillage using foot dibbling method. Human power, machinery, diesel fuel, fertilizer, seed and pesticides were various forms of energy inputs used during the field cultivation of cucumber in the selected tillage methods. Input and output method of energy analysis was used to analyze the amount of input and output energies in each of the three tillage systems used in the production of cucumber. The calculated energy indices determined are energy ratio, energy productivity, specific energy, net energy and energy efficiency index. The result revealed that the highest total energy input and output values of 8694.09 and 8359.33 MJha-1 were estimated in maximum tillage, minimum tillage has an average values of 7774.42 and 12015 MJha-1, while the least average values of 5688.26 and 12736.67 MJha-1 were estimated in reduced tillage, respectively. The highest benefit–cost ratio of 2.94 was found in minimum tillage, followed by maximum tillage with a value of 2.35, while least value of 2.08 was estimated in reduced tillage. Keywords: Cucumber, tillage, energy, energy indices and net profit DOI: 10.7176/JETP/10-1-08 Publication date: February 28th 202

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