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This study was done to solve the problems in futures company. Salary marketing systems in futures sompany greater than earned commissions. It is uses to apply job as marketing. Many marketing who have minded salary apply job so cost of company become higher. Purpose of this study so the problem can be solved through a system of selection and proper commission. Data collection techniques uses interview and observation. Interview were conduct with direct conversations with HR to make information easily available. Conversation done to obtain data such as realistic, activities, objects, actions, events, times and feeling. Observation uses participation observation which writer participated as member of the HR company. This observation done so that the writer can find problem through direct observation. Selection should be done properly and carefully. The process that should be done is twice interview. This interview must done to obtain company valid data like motivation, character, mental and skills that job applicants have. After that must have training to broad applicant such as product knowledge.technical client contact and dealing directly with clients. After training to be carried out test to examine wheter the applicant is ready enter into employee. Test may include psychological test, knowledege and oral test

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