Aligning Mission Expectations and Practice in a Denominational Context


John L. Mehl. Aligning Mission Expectations and Practice in a Denominational Context.” D.Min. Major Applied Project, Concordia Seminary, 2012. In an era when inexpensive travel and communication have flattened the world and made it possible for everyone to be involved in mission in foreign lands, denominations struggle to maintain a unified mission effort. This study included survey work of major stakeholders in the foreign mission effort of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, including partner church leadership from around the world, in an effort to identify points where mission efforts lacked alignment. The results showed that besides agreeing on mission tasks, stakeholders need to step out of silos, communicate with one another in an atmosphere of trust, and develop common goals. The findings of the project can provide insights for those working in North America based denominations that seek to refine unified partnership efforts between different stakeholders

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