Methods to Increase Prosocial Behavior in a College Social Life Atmosphere and Avoid the Bystander Effect


An ignite-style talk for Dr. Erchull’s Social Psychology course (Fall 2021). Students were asked to “give psychology away” by educating an audience of their choice about an idea from social psychology that the group would benefit from understanding. References: Alegría-Flores, K., Raker, K., Pleasants, R., Weaver, M., & Weinberger, M. (2015). Preventing interpersonal violence on college campuses: The effect of one act training on bystander intervention. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1(24), 1-23. Barrett, D. W. (2017). Social psychology: Core concepts and emerging trends. Sage. Darley, J., Moskowitz, G., Garcia, S., & Weaver, K, (2002). Crowded minds: The implicit bystander effect. Journal of Personality. 844-853. Hudson, J. & Bruckman, A. (2004). The bystander effect: A lens for understanding patterns of participation. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 15(2), 165-195. Kleinsasser, A., Jouriles, E. N., McDonald, R., & Rosenfield, D. (2015). An online bystander intervention program for the prevention of sexual violence. Psychology of Violence, 5(3), 227–235.

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