The factors affecting the acorn production of Pedunculate Oak (Republic of Moldova)


The paper presents the evolution of the formation and development of the pedunculate oak acorns during vegetation season. The study was conducted in two variants: variant control and variant flower / acorn isolated. Results showed that only 6.8% of the initial number of flowers have become mature acorns healthy to the control variant. The non-fecundated flowers represented 21%, but 65.2 % felt down in the different stages of the acorns development. From the carpophagus insects, Curculio glandium was that attacked 7% of the initial number of flowers. To the variant flower / acorn isolated, the healthy mature acorns constitute 13.8% of the initial number of flowers. As for the non-fecundated flowers and aborted acorns by the plant, they accounted 26.5% and 59.7%

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