Association between time of neonatal discharge with mode of delivery


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Early discharge requires the close follow-up of outpatients in the clinic or at home within 48 hours after discharge. Given the importance of follow-up after early discharge of infants and also lack of accurate statistics on the rate of early discharge in our country, this study aimed to determine the rate of early discharge of newborns in Babol-Clinic Hospital  from March 2013 to March 2014. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted on all the neonates born in Babol Clinic Hospital in Mazandaran, Iran in 2013. Newborns were selected via census sampling. In addition, a questionnaire was used to collect the data on the length of hospital stay, mode of delivery, gender, birth weight, Apgar scores, gestational age, method of anesthesia, need for resuscitation, and maternal diseases for each infant. Early discharge and very early discharge were defined in newborns released before 48 and 24 hours after birth, respectively. Data analysis was performed in SPSS V.20 using T-test, Chi-square, Fisher's exact test, and Cox regression analysis, and P value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. FINDINGS: In total, 2,562 infants born in Babol Clinic Hospital were enrolled in this study, 2,451 of whom (96%) were discharged before 48 hours, and 1,829 newborns (71.5%) were discharged before 24 hours after birth. In normal delivery method groups, 9 (4.25%) neonates routine discharged, 36 (16.98%) neonates early discharged and 167 (78.77%) neonates were very early discharged. Elective and emergency cesarean group, 68 (3.9%) neonates and 34 (5.62%) neonates normal discharge, 428 (24.53%) neonates and 158 (26.12%) neonates early discharged and 1 249 (71.58) neonates and 413(68.26%)  neonates were very early discharged respectively (p=0.02). 92% of deliveries were by Caesarean section and  8% were the normal vaginal delivery. CONCLUSION: According to the results of this study, almost all the neonates born in Babol Clinic Hospital had early or very early discharge, and only a few cases (4%) were hospitalized for more than 48 hours. Therefore implement of close follow-up or home visitis recommended

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