Characterization of Reservoir Heterogeneity by Capacitance-resistance Model in Water-flooding Projects


Tedious calculations and simulations are needed to obtain an efficient production scenario and/orproper field development strategy. Capacitance-resistance model (CRM) is proved to be a fastreservoir simulation tool using just the field-available data of production and injection rates. Thisapproach sets a time-constant and a weighting factor (or well-pair connectivity parameter) betweeneach pair of injection and production wells according to their histories. In this study, we investigatedthe behavior of the CRM parameters in synthetic reservoir models with different porosity andpermeability maps. Four reservoirs are considered with different porosities and permeabilities to studytheir effects on CRM response. We defined a new parameter, named error to mean production ratio(EMPR), to analyze the CRM performance. Some fluctuations are exerted on the production data toevaluate the capability of CRM against variable production records. Porosity showed a stronger effecton CRM parameters than the permeability based on the calculated EMPR. Unstable productionhistory would result in large error which can be corrected with some smoothing techniques onvariable production data. Also, a linear trend of EMPR was obtained with the change of porosity andpermeability or a combination of the two parameters within the reservoir

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