Level of knowledge about oral health of pregnant patients: Descriptive study


Introduction: During pregnancy, the woman may be exposed to infectious processes, lesions in the oral cavity or painful symptoms, which is sometimes difficult to manage, given the precautions that the pregnancy condition demand. The aim is to understand that the state of maternal oral health determines to a large extent the state of health of the future baby, as well as adequate oral health conditions for pregnant women. The information that the mother acquires during this period will allow her to evaluate her oral and child health. Aim: To describe the level of knowledge of the oral health of pregnant women. Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional investigation. The sample was non-probabilistic and for convenience; was composed of 50 pregnant women. The variables studied were age, pregnancy trimester, level of education and level of knowledge. Results: Secondary studies predominated in the sample. The level of regular knowledge prevailed (64%) in the 3 trimesters. According to the perceived needs of oral health status, 66% said it was good. All the pregnant women, between 41 and 45 years old, showed regular knowledge. Conclusions: In the younger women, a deficient level of knowledge predominates. There are also differences for the weeks of gestation, because women with more weeks of gestation have more knowledge. 64% of the sample presented a regular level. Only 10%, got a correct assessment

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