Analytical Study on Building a Comprehensive Big Data Management Maturity Framework


Harnessing big data in organizations today realizes benefits for competitive advantage. Generated profound insights are reflected in informed decision making, creating better business plans, and improved service delivery. Yet, organizations are still not recognizing how mature their big data management capabilities are. However, there is no structured approach to assess and build necessary capabilities for valuable big data utilizing, which draws a clear improvement pathway. Existing solutions lack a consistent perception of big data management capabilities, a reliable assessment, and a rigid improvement scheme. This paper contributes in building an analytical study on existing key works in assessing and building big data management capabilities. Drawing upon the results and gaps revealed from this analytical study, the main requirements for building a comprehensive big data management maturity framework are defined. This framework will enable organizations to assess and improve their current capabilities towards effective big data management. 20.1001.1.20088302.2022.20.1.13.

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