The Pomatocalpa maculosum Complex (Orchidaceae) Resolved by Multivariate Morphometric Analysis


Principal components analysis (PCA) was employed to analyse the morphological variation among 63 herbarium specimens tentatively identified as Pomatocalpa andamanicum (Hook.f.) J. J. Sm., P. koordersii (Rolfe) J. J. Sm., P. latifolium (Lindl.) J. J. Sm., P. linearifolium Seidenf., P. maculosum (Lindl.) J. J. Sm., P. marsupiale (Kraenzl.) J. J. Sm., P. naevatum J. J. Sm., or P. siamense (Rolfe ex Downie) Summerh. Thirty-seven quantitative and 5 binary characters were included in the analyses. Taxa were delimited according to the observed clustering of specimens in the PCA plots, diagnostic characters were identified, and the correct nomenclature was established through examination of type material. Four species could be recognized viz, P. diffusum Breda (syn. P. latifolium), P. fuscum (Lindl.) J. J. Sm. (syn. P. latifolium), P. marsupiale (syn. P. koordersii) and P. maculosum. For the latter species, two subspecies could be recognized, viz P. maculosum (Lindl.) J. J. Sm. subsp. maculosum (syn. P. maculosum, P. naevatum p.p.) and P. maculosum (Lindl.) J. J. Sm. subsp. andamanicum (Hook.f.) S. Watthana (syn. P. andamanicum, P. linearifolium, P. siamense, P. naevatum p.p.). An identification key and a taxonomic synopsis are provided

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