Aim: In office bleaching has gained popularity in recent times as one of the most efficient and cost effective technique for treatment of discoloured teeth. Aim of this study was to evaluate the bleaching efficiency of two different In office bleaching materials and the efficacy of light on the shade change.
Materials and Methods: 24 patients were randomly assigned to 4 treatment groups. Treatment involved application of 40% H2O2 (Opalescence Boost, Ultradent, US), 35% H2O2 (Whiteness HP Maxx, FGM Dental Products, Brasil) with and without using LED Bleaching light. Evaluation of shade change was done subjectively (Vita Classical shade guide) as well as using spectrophotometer (Vita Easy shade).
Results: Statistical analysis of data revealed that there was no significant difference among the two bleaching materials with or without the use of light, but a significant difference was observed when bleaching with light was compared to bleaching without light.
Conclusion: The use of light enhances the bleaching efficiency of in office beaching gels irrespective of the concentration