Desafios para Articular a Dimensão da Participação no Planejamento: Um Estudo da Edificação do Plano Diretor Participativo de uma Organização Pública Federal de Ensino Superior Brasileira


The article aimed to analyze the extent of participation in planning, based on empirical study of building up the Master Plan (MP) of the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). The search performs a qualitative analysis, under interpretative approach of bibliographical sources data, documentary and oral sources field research and observation. The initial assumption of the research was that, the edification of MP of an University, which intends to be participatory, that the building of PD within a university, which has to be participatory, should involve the various segments of the academic community and social agents of the campus environment in decision-making, starting with the dissemination and easy access to information as a basis for the construction of this instrument. The experience of the Brazilian universities suggests that the MPs of public universities in Brazil have presented important advances for the planning and management of the territories. On the other hand, UFRRJ on building your MP contradicts the sense of participation that prints in the study, indicating that there is no democratization of decision-making processes. Therefore, the research highlights the conflicting relationship between planning and participation detected in the study, beckons a historic difficulty and policy of our country to articulate social participation in planning and that this difficulty is still reflected strongly in a unique experience of a Brazilian high educational public institution

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