
Abstrak: Penelitian survei ini bertujuan untuk mengelaborasi isu disability dalam perspektif guru dengan subfokus survei terdiri dari pemahaman guru tentang disability, keberpihakan guru terhadap hak ABK untuk sekolah, upaya yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan partisipasi sekolah ABK, kemampuan guru mengajar ABK dan urgensi pendidikan inklusi. Survei melibatkan 250 orang guru sebagai responden yang terpilih secara purposive di Kabupaten Lombok Tengah dan Lombok Timur. Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa (1) guru memiliki pemahaman yang cukup baik tentang disabilitas; (2) guru belum berperan penting mendorong pendidikan untuk ABK; (3) guru belum melakukan upaya maksimal dalam melakukan pendampingan kepada ABK; (4) kemampuan guru mengajar ABK masih kurang dan (5) pelaksanaan pendidikan inklusi masih dihadapkan pada berbagai tantangan yang harus diupayakan penyelesaiannya agar dapat memberi manfaat maksimal.Abstract:  This survey research aims to elaborate on the issue of disability from a teacher's perspective with a survey sub-focus consisting of teachers' understanding of disability, the alignment of teachers with the rights of children with special school needs, the efforts made to increase the participation of children with special needs schools, the ability of teachers to teach children with special needs and the urgency of inclusive education. The survey involved 250 teachers as respondents who were selected purposively in the districts of Central Lombok and East Lombok. The survey results show that (1) teachers have a fairly good understanding of disability; (2) teachers have not played an important role in encouraging education for ABK; (3) teachers have not made maximum efforts in assisting ABK; (4) the ability of teachers to teach children with special needs is still lacking and (5) the implementation of inclusive education is still faced with various challenges that must be resolved to provide maximum benefits

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