spectroscopic measurements for deuterium retention and lithium influx studies with lithium limiter on ftu


Spectroscopic measurements to determine deuterium and lithium fluxes were performed in recent experiments on FTU with a liquid lithium limiter (LLL) and an actively cooled limiter (CLL) using a multichannel spectrometer and using LiI–Dα filtered photodiodes. Using the S/XB method in combination with an absolute calibration, measurements of the LiI (670.8nm) and Dβ (464.8nm) spectral lines were used to estimate the deuterium and lithium fluxes from the limiters. The estimation of the lithium fluxes has shown increased values when the CLL is closer towards the last closed magnetic surface (LCMS), according to the measurements of infrared camera. This work shows that the spectroscopic diagnostics in the visible range can be an efficient tool to determine deuterium and liquid metal fluxes in FTU in order to better investigate the interaction between the plasma and the limiter materials. Keywords: Plasma spectroscopy, FTU, Limiter, LLL, CLL, Lithium flu

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