Narrating the Intersectionalities of Gender Violence: Editorial


The telling, sharing and, most critically, the hearing of stories related to gender violence has been a critical part of the project of feminism as well as the refuge movement (Dobash and Dobash 1979, Kelly 1988). This an introduction to a set of papers that represent highlights from the conference entitled &ldquo;International Congress on Gender Violence: Intersectionalities&rdquo; in terms of how the intersections of gender violence have been narrated. Contar, compartir, y, m&aacute;s cr&iacute;ticamente, escuchar historias relacionadas con la violencia de g&eacute;nero ha sido una parte fundamental del proyecto del feminismo, as&iacute; como del movimiento de refugio (Dobash y Dobash 1979, Kelly 1988). Esta es una introducci&oacute;n a una serie de art&iacute;culos representativos del Congreso Internacional sobre Violencia de G&eacute;nero: Intersecciones, que abordan c&oacute;mo se han relatado las intersecciones de la violencia de g&eacute;nero. DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN:</p

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