The Endogenous and Exogenous Perception of Bucharest City. A Connecting Element in the Rural-Urban Relationship


Seen from a geographical point of view, this paper o utlines the importance of urban perception from both an endogenous as well as an exo genous perspective not only for the strictly administrative area of the city, but also in terms of exceeding those limits to the rural area. The authors chose as a case study a complex city with a manifold population and a diversified and mosaic structure, in the same time the most importa nt economical, political, administrative, social, cultural and educational pole in Romania, n amely Bucharest. Therefore, at constant periods, respectively 2006, 2008 and 2010 the urban image could be analyzed at different scales of spatial and temporal levels, with a clear outside and inside perspective, using observation and survey approach. Considering the rich data collecte d in the three year period, we focus in this paper on the overall image of the city, while makin g at the same time reference to the importance of the perception in the rural-urban contex

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