Fuchs uveitis,heterochromia,and uveitis as a coincidental finding in a case


The classical clinical triad of retinitis pigmentosa is arteriolar attenuation , retinal bone-spicule pigmentation and waxy disc pallor.   A 33 year old female patient is introduced here. She had unilateral posterior subcapsular cataract, heterochromic iris, and uveitis.The patient also suffered night blindness , had a family history of low vision ,and reduced visual acuity in her right eye. After the best correction, visual acuity was: OD=20.200 and OS=20.20 (with-1.5 spher-0.50cyl x 170). Anterior segment examination revealed trace cell with diffused moderate keratic precipitate and heterochoromia with posterior subcapsular cataract .But the examination revealed a normal condition in the left eye. Both eyes had characteristic retinal changes of retinitis pigmentosa. Retinitis pigmentosa can be associated with Fuch’s- like uveitis sporadicallybut Fuch’s heterochromic uveitis of affected pedigree was not found

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