Temporary Load Shedding - Optimization of power distribution system using load shedding Techniques


In today’s world, electrical energy is a necessity. The dependency on electricity is increasing day by day which caused the system to work under a stress state close to stability limits and disturbances. An efficient power system supplying electrical energy must be reliable, stable, secure, and reasonable to meet consumer needs. The power demand depends on several factors and weather is one of the main in them. The thesis is done with the cooperation of Arva As. for the Tromsøya region in northern Norway. In Northern Norway, during the winter season, the temperature falls to -20˚C which eventually causes the rise in demand for electricity to meet the heating needs. The heating of households plays a big role in increasing demand. To avoid contingency and keep the distribution grid stable during the winter season a temporary load shedding scheme has been proposed by using the load curves and grid model that was analyzed through power flow analysis. It includes procedures for detection of voltage stability on buses with voltage stability indexes and plans to temporarily shut the heating system and sources to avoid the stress on the grid in peak hours with available communication possibilities

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