Harmonic Analysis of AC-DC Topologies and their Impacts on Power Systems


Power Electronic Converters are commonly used in different applications because of high efficiency and low cost. Due to latest advancement in semiconductor devices it is difficult to draw the boundaries for applications of power electronic topologies. These topologies are variable structure systems and generate harmonics during the operation which will affect the power quality when are connected to system network. Rectifier is a big family of converters and used when ac-dc conversion is needed. These converters are widely used in distribution system. Therefore, it is necessary to predict the harmonic levels of these converters and also observe their impacts on system network. Pakistan now days facing serious energy crises specially, in power sector due to increase in load demand. To bridge the gap between load demand and generation of electricity, various steps are taken by power companies and government. The steps include the up gradation of existing power plants, generation of power from rental power plants, installation of renewable power sources, taking different steps of demand side management etc. But efforts of power companies on power quality is still lacking. This research work focuses on power quality of the system network. In this work, harmonics of single phase and three phase full bridge diode rectifiers are analyzed by using the fast fourier transform method of MATLAB. The effects of harmonics on the system network are also discussed

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