Some Ecological Aspects of Malaria Vectors in Saravan Area, Iran


Please cite this article as: Mehdipour D, Moosa- Kazemi SH, Hosseini M, Zolfi R. Some Ecological Aspects of Malaria Vectors in Saravan Area, Iran. Arch Hyg Sci 2013;2(1):31-41. Background & Aims of the Study: The aim of this study was to determine the ecology of malaria vectors in order to select the vector control masseur in the future. This study was carried out on trend of malaria cases and malaria vectors in Saravan county, Sistan & Baluchestan Province, Iran. Materials & Methods: The adult mosquitoes were collected by standard Pyrethrum space spray collection and larvae by dipping method twice a month in 2011 for 12 months. Samples were identified by systematic keys. The 5-year epidemiological data was collected from Malaria Control Centre, Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Results: Four Anopheles species identified including; Anopheles (Cellia) stephensi Liston, Anopheles (Cellia) dthali Patton, An. (Cellia) culicifacies Giles, An. (Cellia) fluviatilis James. Anopheles stephensi was predominant species whereas An. fluviatilis was the lowest species in adult collection. A minimum temperature of larval habitat was 14ºC for An. fluviatilis and maximum was 26°C for An. stephensi. Monthly peak activity of An. stephensi larvae found in April and October and in adult form found in May and October. Monthly peak activity of An. culicifacies larvae found in June and September whereas observed in July and November for adults. An. dthali larvae collected more in September and November whereas Adult form found more in July and November. The number of malaria cases between 2007 to 2011 showed the decrease in first 4 years and then increase in the last years. Conclusions: The dominant species was An. stephensi comprised 54.07% of larvae and 49.16% of adults. We suggest studying on biological forms of this species with specific focus on the bordering areas between Iran and Pakistan in the future

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