ANGIOPLASTIA DE RESCATE EN MUJER DE 33 AÑOS CON ANTICONCEPCIÓN ORAL Y CORONARIOPATÍA DILATADA / Rescue angioplasty in a 33-year old woman with oral contraception and dilated coronariopathy


Coronary angioplasty is recognized nowadays as the first-choice therapeutic strategy for acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation. Atherosclerotic disease is still the main cause ofthis sickness; however, other disturbances, such is dilated coronariopathy, may favor this coronary event. Although some authors raise that atherosclerosis is the main cause of coronary dilation, it is uncommon that this lipid disorder promotes consequences early in life. We present the case of a 33-year-old female (oral contraceptive user - etinor) who had not any apparent coronary risk factor but suffered from inferior acute myocardial infarction. The thrombolysis failed, and fortunately we could perform the angioplasty. Intracoronary thrombosis with distal embolism occurred, that waswhy we administered streptokinase. Possible mechanisms that involve oral contraceptives and dilated coronariopathy are discussed, and angiographic images are shown

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