
Assuming that the market is the component that validates the correctness of decisions on the fate and prospects of a phenomenon, tourism development strategy should be based on good knowledge and assessment of the market, on the requirement to achieve a balance between its two correlative categories, which are supply and demand.Bukovina is among the touristic destinations known and appreciated by tourists. However, the elaboration of a development strategy should emphasize those tourism sustaining forms that can generate a beneficial multiplier effect upon Suceava County’s economy. Promoting a mix between cultural - religious, rural, active, and mountain tourism tour, accessible to a diverse range of tourists, must be coupled with general and specific infrastructural consolidation. These elements will be able to create favourable conditions conductive to the development of touristic “focal points” or will favour the development of “circuit - type” touristic programs with international visibility overlapped to the Bukovina’s territory, without excluding the possibility of their interconnection with adjacent areas like Maramureş, Neamţ and Chernovtsy Oblast.Main tourism coordinates analysis in the county of Suceava - arrivals, overnight stays, average stay, capacity utilization index etc. - show insufficient concern from local authorities to this field, which argues the need to develop a realistic strategy to approach the issue of tourism development in a modern, complex vision, connected to the latest theoretical results

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