A Comparative Study of Antioxidant Enzymes Activity to Heat Shock in Amphipods Gmelinoides fasciatus of Littoral Community of Lake Baikal and Thermal Springs


The aim of the current study was to comparative assessment of the antioxidant enzymes activity (peroxidase, catalase, glutathione S-transferase) in endemic species Gmelinoides fasciatus (Stebbing, 1899) inhabitants of the littoral community of the Lake Baikal and the thermal spring under short term thermal stress. It was shown, that the exposure of G. fasciatus from different areas to acute temperature stress didn’t lead to changes in the activities of three key enzymes of the antioxidant system. However, it was found that the activity of glutathione S-transferase in the control animals of thermal springs population is higher than in animals of Lake Baikal. This can be determined by peculiarities of environment of different populations

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