A DoS/DDoS Attack Detection System Using Chi-Square Statistic Approach


Nowadays, users can easily access and download network attack tools, which often provide friendly interfaces and easily operated features, from the Internet. Therefore, even a naive hacker can also launch a large scale DoS or DDoS attack to prevent a system, i.e., the victim, from providing Internet services. In this paper, we propose an agent based intrusion detection architecture, which is a distributed detection system, to detect DoS/DDoS attacks by invoking a statistic approach that compares source IP addresses' normal and current packet statistics to discriminate whether there is a DoS/DDoS attack. It first collects all resource IPs' packet statistics so as to create their normal packet distribution. Once some IPs' current packet distribution suddenly changes, very often it is an attack. Experimental results show that this approach can effectively detect DoS/DDoS attacks

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