A Cadaveric Study of Different Angles of Scapula and Their Role in its Kinesiometrics and Muscle Morphology


Introduction: The bipedal gait and consequential freedom of the upper limb in human beings has made the movements of the shoulder joint a subject of extensive investigations. The scapular angles provide the base and leverage to various muscles and have been correlated with the different movements of the shoulder joint. Methods: In the present study, different angles of scapula namely superior, inferior, lateral, medial, acromial and coracoid angles were measured in the North Indian population. The study was conducted on 100 scapulas (R:L = 50:50) obtained from Department of Anatomy, Government Medical College, Amritsar. For measuring the angles, centimetre scales and protractor were used. Results: The mean value of superior angle was observed to be 100.830 (R=100.320 : L=101.340) ; inferior angle was 63.620 (R=68.10 : L=59.140) ; lateral angle was 61.720 (R=65.90 : L=57.540) ; medial angle was 147.640 (R=151.320 : L=143.960) ; acromial angle was 106.470 (R=107.680 : L=105.260) and coracoid angle was 83.30 (R=84.240 : L=82.020). Conclusions: It was observed that all angles were higher in the right sided bones except superior angle. Also a wide range was seen in all the angles. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Keywords: acromial; coracoid; inferior; medial; superior. ______________________________________________________________________________________

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