
One of the essential constituents of the term transition, in Serbia as well as in other postsocialistic countries, refers to the transition from one development concept onto another one (extensive and mobilising), which is completely different (market-based and innovation-oriented). Market behaviour rules have changed to a great extent, as well as the increasingly present innovations in the field of technology, and introduced certain innovations in business orientation of companies. The struggle for market share is becoming more aggressive and dynamic enabling the survival of exclusively those companies which have implanted high flexibility and innovation levels into their business ambience. Globalisation is inherent in capitalism, it is its constituent logic. In future, new rules will have to be brought which would allow of the managment function to be performed within the complete business policy mutually agreed upon betwen the representatives of the capital owner and those of the personell. These regulations are necessary for long-term efficiency and profitability of private sector, as well as for the final success of economy

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