Perancangan Iklan Untuk Tempat Wisata Bermain Air Dimsa Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Gumul Paradise Island


Kabupaten Kediri memiliki beberapa wisata unggulan, salah satunya adalah Gumul Paradise Island. Sebelum masa pandemi, Gumul Paradise Island merupakan tempat tujuan wisata masyarakat Kediri. Namun adanya wabah Covid -19 yang merebak pada awal tahun 2020, membuat turunnya peraturan pemerintah terkait pembatasan mobilitas secara masif. Hal ini berimbas pada tempat wisata di Kabupaten Kediri, termasuk Gumul Paradise Island. Gumul Paradise Island merupakan wisata bermain air di Kabupaten Kediri yang terletak di pusat kota Kabupaten. Dengan daya tarik tersebut, menjadikan tempat wisata Gumul Paradise Island dapat dengan mudah memikat calon wisatawan. Namun kemunculan wabah Covid -19 menyebabkan Gumul Paradise Island berhenti beroperasi, dan perlu adanya periklanan baru dimasa new normal. Perancangan ini menggunakan beberapa metode, yakni observasi, wawancara, studi literatur, kuesioner, depth interview, studi eksperimental. Kegiatan observasi dilakukan untuk mengkaji dan mendapatkan data secara langsung mengenai kawasan wisata Gumul Paradise Island. Studi literatur dilakukan untuk mendapat data valid terkait dengan promosi pariwisata pasca wabah Covid-19. Kegiatan wawancara dan kuesioner dilakukan untuk memperoleh data primer terkait kebutuhan target audiens. Depth interview dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi mendetail mengenai permasalahan dan solusi yang ditawarkan oleh narasumber yang ahli dalam bidangnya. Sedangkan eksperimetal digunakan untuk menemukan sebuah konsep. Hasil seluruh analisis tersebut digunakan dalam merancang strategi periklanan kawasan wisata Gumul Paradise Island. Perancangan ini akan menghasilkan sebuah iklan berupa video iklan didukung konsep media yang sesuai dengan perubahan perilaku masyarakat dimasa wabah Covid- 19. Iklan yang dihasilkan pada perancangan ini merupakan iklan menggunakan media digital Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp dan media pendukung billboard. Diharapkan dengan adanya perancangan iklan wisata bermain air Gumul Paradise Island ini, dapat memberikan alternatif solusi konsep iklan pada tempat wisata bermain air Gumul Paradise Island dengan kondisi pandemic Covid-19. =================================================================================================== Gumul Paradise Island is one of several excellent tours available in the Kediri Regency. Gumul Paradise Island was a popular tourist destination for Kediri Regency residents before the pandemic. However, the Covid-19 outbreak in early 2020 resulted in the issuance of government regulations imposing severe mobility restrictions. This has an impact on Kediri Regency's tourist attractions, including Gumul Paradise Island. Gumul Paradise Island is a water play tour in Kediri Regency that is located in the heart of the community. This attracts potential tourists to Gumul Paradise Island's tourist attractions. However, the emergence of the Covid-19 outbreak forced the closure of Gumul Paradise Island, and new advertising was required in the new normal. This design employs a variety of methods, including observation, interviews, literature studies, questionnaires, depth interviews, and experimental studies. Observation activities were conducted to study and collect data about the Gumul Paradise Island tourist area. Following the Covid-19 outbreak, a literature review was conducted to gather reliable information about tourism promotion. Interviews and questionnaires were used to collect primary data on the needs of the target audience. In-depth interviews were conducted to obtain detailed information about the problems and solutions proposed by experts in their fields. While experimentation is used to discover a concept. The findings of the analysis are being used to develop a advertising strategy for the Gumul Paradise Island tourist area. This design will result in a video advertisement that is supported by media concepts that are in line with changes in people's behavior during the Covid-19 outbreak. Advertisements produced in this design using digital media such as Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, and billboard supporting media. With the design of this Gumul Paradise Island water play tourism advertisement, it is hoped that it will provide an alternative solution to the concept of advertising at Gumul Paradise Island water play attractions with the Covid-19 pandemic condition

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