MAT-free graphic arrangements and a characterization of strongly chordal graphs by edge-labeling


Ideal subarrangements of a Weyl arrangement are proved to be free by the multiple addition theorem (MAT) due to Abe-Barakat-Cuntz-Hoge-Terao (2016). They form a significant class among Weyl subarrangements that are known to be free so far. The concept of MAT-free arrangements was introduced recently by Cuntz-M{\"u}cksch (2020) to capture a core of the MAT, which enlarges the ideal subarrangements from the perspective of freeness. The aim of this paper is to give a precise characterization of the MAT-freeness in the case of type AA Weyl subarrangements (or graphic arrangements). It is known that the ideal and free graphic arrangements correspond to the unit interval and chordal graphs respectively. We prove that a graphic arrangement is MAT-free if and only if the underlying graph is strongly chordal. In particular, it affirmatively answers a question of Cuntz-M{\"u}cksch that MAT-freeness is closed under taking localization in the case of graphic arrangements.Comment: 25 page

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