Enterobious vermicularis and the Appendix: Report of Five Cases


nterobious vermicularis, is the most common parasite occurring in man infecting about 10 % of population in developed countries (1). It is located predominantly in the caecum, appendix, and proximal areas of the ileum and colon (2). Despite its high prevalence, entero-biasis is not usually considered a serious disease, although ectopic infections can cause significant morbidity, most commonly in females (3). Another possible complications of entero-biasis is when this worm crawls itself to the lumen of the appendix leading to appear some clinical manifestations resemble to acute appendicitis. The association of E. vermicularis infection and acute appendicitis is controversial. During 2001-2006, 1533 removed appendices at Al-Zahra Medical Centre, affiliated to Isfa

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