Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa Albert Einstein
Objective: To present patients and results of liver transplantationperformed by the Liver Unit team at the Hospital Israelita AlbertEinstein. Methods: The medical records of all patients transplantedby the team at the Liver Unit of the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein,from January 2002 to June 2005, were analyzed. Results: Duringthis period, 328 transplants were performed and 64.3% were malerecipients; 64.9% were performed with cadaveric donor; 31.1%with living donors; and 4.3% were domino liver transplants. Thethree-year survival rate was 78% with cadaveric donors, 71.1%with living donor and 46.2% with domino liver transplant. The meanseverity index according to the Child-Pugh score was 8.7 (ChildB–9) and the median was 9 (Child B-9); the mean MELD score was17.6 and the median 18. Conclusion: The Liver Unit team has thelargest number of liver transplantation cases in Latin Americawith over 850 transplants performed and outcomes similar to theworld’s best centers