A novel method of removal of a broken drill bit in the femoral medullary canal during internal fixation of a type C distal femoral fracture: a case report
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- Elsevier
【Abstract】 Breakage of surgical instruments and
implants during operative procedures is not uncommon in
any surgical discipline. The need for removal and the out-come of leaving the broken instruments and implants in the
surgical area have not been described in detail. Few studies
have suggested removal if they are lying loosely in the tis-sues or joint, close to neurovascular structures. Challenges
and the amount of time spent in the retrieval of broken in-struments and implants are well known among surgeons, so
most choose to leave them in situ. We reported a novel
method of retrieval of a broken drill bit in the femoral medul-lary canal during internal fixation of a type C distal femoral
Key words: Fracture fixation, internal; Femoral
fractures; Surgical instrument