University of Zagreb. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
Fascioloides magna nezavičajni je parazit na europskim prostorima, a izvorno parazitira
u sjevernoameričkih vrsta jelena. Dolaskom u Europu ovaj metilj formira nove zajednice
nositelj - parazit te su do sada utvrđena tri žarišta velikog američkog metilja u Europi:
talijansko, češko i žarište dunavskog sliva. Analizom cox-1 gena nastojalo se prikupiti podatke
o raznolikosti metilja u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji, te međusobni evolucijski odnosi kao i odnos s
metiljima iz područja uz New York (Ontario) u SAD-u. Nakon izolacije DNK prikupljenih
uzoraka, PCR-a te sekvenciranja dobivene su 123 sekvence cox-1 gena, 58 iz Hrvatske, 55 iz
Srbije te 10 iz SAD-a koja su potom analizirane. U Hrvatskoj je potvrđena prisutnost dva otprije
poznata haplotipa dunavskog žarišta, te su otkrivena četiri nova haplotipa. Nalaz novih
haplotipova vjerojatno je rezultat činjenice da su uzorci u Hrvatskoj uzeti s većeg geografskog
područja, iz šest županija, što nije bio slučaj u prethodnim istraživanjima. Dobiveni su prvi
podatci o genetskoj strukturi u Srbiji. Najučestaliji haplotip bio isti kao i u Hrvatskoj (Ha3), te
je utvrđena i prisutnost do sada neidentificiranog haplotipa koji je zajednički i Hrvatskoj i Srbiji.
Haplotipovi dobiveni iz uzoraka iz SAD-a nisu utvrđeni u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji, a od 6
identificiranih haplotipova samo je jedan prethodno opisan u literaturi.Fascioloides magna is a non-native parasite in Europe which is originally a parasite of
deer species in North America. After arriving to Europe, this fluke formed new host-parasite
associations, and established three permanent natural foci: in Italy, Czech Republic and Danube
floodplain forests. The goal of this research was to analyse cox-1 gene and to collect data on
fluke diversity in Croatia and Serbia, as well as their evolutionary relations and relations with
flukes collected in area of New York (Ontario), USA. After DNA isolation, PCR and
sequencing we have determined 123 sequences of cox-1 genes, 58 sequences from Croatia, 55
from Serbia and 10 from the USA. In Croatia, the presence of two previously known haplotypes
of the Danube foci was confirmed and four new haplotypes were discovered. The finding of
new haplotypes is probably the result of the fact that samples in Croatia were collected from a
larger geographical area than in previous studies, from six counties. Also, we have obtained the
first data on the genetic structure of the giant liver fluke in Serbia The most common haplotype
was the same as in Croatia (Ha3), and the presence of so far unidentified haplotype was found,
which is common in both, Croatia and Serbia. Haplotypes obtained from USA samples were
not identified in Croatia and Serbia, and of the 6 identified haplotypes only one was previously
described in the literature