Teneurs en éléments majeurs, calcium, potassium, magnésium et phosphore et valeur fourragère (énergie - protéines) des pâturages naturels de la sous-région pastorale de l'Ituri (République du Zaïre)


Minerai polyelements composition and nutritive value of pastures from Ituri area. A study of forages chemical composition from Ituri area in Zaire, showed a generally high level of kalium, normal levels of magnesium and some deficiencies of calcium and phosphorus according to the geographic origin (Southern, Middle and Northern) of the samples. The calcium to phosphorus ratio was sufficient, but with a slight excess in the North. The energy concentration was satisfactory in ail the groups of samples, whereas protein defi-ciency was observed in the Middle and the North. The protein-energy ratio was everywhere insufficient. In view of analytical results mineral supplementation formulas were suggested for different localities

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