Asymptotic Theory for Moderate Deviations from the Unit Boundary in Quantile Autoregressive Time Series


We establish the asymptotic theory in quantile autoregression when the model parameter is specified with respect to moderate deviations from the unit boundary of the form (1 + c / k) with a convergence sequence that diverges at a rate slower than the sample size n. Then, extending the framework proposed by Phillips and Magdalinos (2007), we consider the limit theory for the near-stationary and the near-explosive cases when the model is estimated with a conditional quantile specification function and model parameters are quantile-dependent. Additionally, a Bahadur-type representation and limiting distributions based on the M-estimators of the model parameters are derived. Specifically, we show that the serial correlation coefficient converges in distribution to a ratio of two independent random variables. Monte Carlo simulations illustrate the finite-sample performance of the estimation procedure under investigation

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