Searching Far and Long I: Pilot ALMA 2mm Follow-up of Bright Dusty Galaxies as a Redshift Filter


A complete census of dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) at early epochs is necessary to constrain the obscured contribution to the cosmic star formation rate density (CSFRD), however DSFGs beyond z∼4z \sim 4 are both rare and hard to identify from photometric data alone due to degeneracies in submillimeter photometry with redshift. Here, we present a pilot study obtaining follow-up Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) 2 2\,mm observations of a complete sample of 39 850 μm850\,\rm\mu m-bright dusty galaxies in the SSA22 field. Empirical modeling suggests 2 2\,mm imaging of existing samples of DSFGs selected at 850 μm−1 850\,\rm\mu m - 1\,mm can quickly and easily isolate the "needle in a haystack" DSFGs that sit at z>4z>4 or beyond. Combining archival submillimeter imaging with our measured ALMA 2 2\,mm photometry (1σ∼0.08 1\sigma \sim 0.08\,mJy \,beam−1^{-1} rms), we characterize the galaxies' IR SEDs and use them to constrain redshifts. With available redshift constraints fit via the combination of six submillimeter bands, we identify 6/39 high-zz candidates each with >50%>50\% likelihood to sit at z>4z > 4, and find a positive correlation between redshift and 2 2\,mm flux density. Specifically, our models suggest the addition of 2 2\,mm to a moderately constrained IR SED will improve the accuracy of a millimeter-derived redshift from Δz/(1+z)=0.3\Delta z/(1+z) = 0.3 to Δz/(1+z)=0.2\Delta z/(1+z) = 0.2. Our IR SED characterizations provide evidence for relatively high emissivity spectral indices (⟨β⟩=2.4±0.3\langle \beta \rangle = 2.4\pm0.3) in the sample. We measure that especially bright (S850μm>5.55 S_{850\rm\mu m}>5.55\,mJy) DSFGs contribute ∼10\sim10% to the cosmic-averaged CSFRD from 2<z<52<z<5, confirming findings from previous work with similar samples.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

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