How to bring urban climate studies to application – A meteorological view from five decades of urban climate research and results from a current study


Atmospheric sciences have dealt with the special features of urban climate for about 200 years, starting with the seminb nal book of Howard. It therefore has been long understood that urban areas govern the dynamics and air chemistry of the atmb mospheric boundary layer, they are key drivers for the development of local circb culation patterns and can modify local and regional weather and climate. On the other hand, local meteorological conditb tions and large-scale weather patterns drive the formation of the urban heat islb land, can modify microclimate conditions and affect air quality regionally and locb cally. As such, holistic models have to be developed in order to properly represent interactions along both time and spatial scales and preferably have to incorporate both dynamics and air chemistry. A large amount of studies exist already, which highlight the importance of properly reprb resenting urban areas within mesoscale models via urban canopy parametrizations. Current coordinated model activities try to assess these parb rametrizations to be included e.g. in regional climate models as being considered within Cordex FPS URBRCC

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