Neugeborenen-Reanimationstraining nach der Peyton-4-Schrittinstruktion: Beeinflusst die Modifizierung des Schritt-3 den Lernerfolg bei Medizinstudierenden?


Aim: We sought to improve retention of neonatal resuscitation skills by modifying step 3 through additional functional verbalization in Peyton’s four step approach (P4S). Methods: Newborn life support (NLS) training was performed in a simulation-based setting. In contrast to the traditional approach, students taught with the modified approach were requested to explain every step of their performance in Peyton’s step 3. 123 Students were allocated into both experimental groups. Students were then assessed by megacode on day four (initial assessment) and 6 months (follow-up assessment). Results: Both groups showed similar scorings in the initial, follow-up assessment and in mean change. On initial megacode, time to start with initial inflation and post-resuscitation care was significantly faster in the control group. All showed a significant loss of performance irrespective of modification in step-3 in the follow-up assessment. Only time until start with post-resuscitation care shows a significant group difference in mean change between initial and follow-up with increasing time in the control and decreasing time span in intervention group. Conclusion: Both methods showed equal levels of knowledge acquisition and long-term decline in NLS performances. Verbalization in step 3 influenced speed of applied NLS performance

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