Level of Satisfaction of Educational Services Consumers. Impact and Consequences for the Responsibility of an Economics Faculty


The aims of this paper are to provide a conceptual delimitation of educational services and their main and secondary components, and to quantify the level of satisfaction of specific consumers in academic organizations specializing in economics, with a view to restructuring their responsibilities. The method of statistical investigation is the thorough investigation including the graduates of bachelor and master courses in the accounting economic field, based on a questionnaire assessing the opinions of 138 graduates from the Faculty of Economics of Pitesti, which covers the full spectrum of 93 distinct variables. The databases were analyzed from a descriptive statistical standpoint with the software package Eviews, focusing on the normality of distributions. The major assumptions concern identifying variables intensely associated with the level of satisfaction of educational services consumers, for the first three and six main service categories, defined by 36 variables marked by respondents, plus another three and respectively six categories in further 15 variables, which define secondary educational services (according to the correlation ratio). Educational organizations belonging to the academic area are naturally concerned with the requirements expressed in the complex concept of satisfaction of those trained through the programs and specializations of a faculty (in this case, an economic faculty), with the aim that the educational services provided in a sustainable manner should cover nearly all their expectations as consumers (students and MA trainees), and also the educational requirements for shaping and training skills that the graduates need in order to succeed in the labour market. The differentiated behaviours of the consumers of educational services can be found at the end of the paper, in a number of econometric models that allow a coherent strategy; they lend a much greater responsibility to the organization doing the job, namely by improving the reputation of an economics faculty, reflected in the vectors and the detailed rating and specific to such surveys. The impact of educational services and the responsibility of the academic organizations for these services to be, through accurate and complete information, conducive to providing satisfactory performance for graduates in the labour market, are the core of the last section of this paper. The conclusions round out the whole endeavour, completing and detailing some necessary upcoming projects

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