O sistema de inova??o de alimentos funcionais: um estudo explorat?rio no Rio Grande do Sul


Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:52:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 438677.pdf: 1935137 bytes, checksum: d81a84d35301084c8d9b2027db7056e8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-20The growing competition on the market has been leading companies to establish competitive advantages, which can be obtained through innovation. Innovations originate from several agents that by sharing information, resources and technologies compound an innovation system. Functional Foods (industrialized food with additional health benefit beyond the basic function of supplying nutrients) is one of the latest highlighted innovations, created as an alternative to aggregate value to the products of the food industry. The present study aims to analyze the innovation system of functional foods in Rio Grande do Sul, through the identification of agents that compose it, the characterization of their relations, as well as the offer of products available and demand of functional foods by Rio Grande do Sul consumers. The exploratory research includes 13 interviews with individuals from different institutions and work fields. Secondary data were used to analyze the consumers and observations were performed on stores related to functional foods. The nine categories of agents identified showed low interaction due to the unawareness of the own agents about the participants of the system and the fear of sharing information suffered by companies. R&D of functional foods was found centered on companies, which contrasts the idea of open innovation and restrict the knowledge inside. The existence of subgroups on the system and the lack of interaction between the agents damages the resource sharing and generates an obstacle to the system. The policies and regulations demand updates and adjustments, being criticized by agents of the system under the claim of actual high bureaucracy and inflexibility. Although the market indicators are positive considering the consumers had manifested high consumption of functional foods and the offer of local products correspond to only 26% of total, indicating expansion potential - the relationship problems between the agents might hinder the development and the consolidation of the system.A crescente competi??o no mercado tem levado as empresas a buscarem vantagens competitivas, que podem ser obtidas atrav?s da inova??o. As inova??es partem de diversos agentes, que ao compartilhar informa??es, recursos e tecnologias formam um sistema de inova??o. Dentre as tend?ncias de inova??o, destacam-se os alimentos funcionais (alimentos industrializados com benef?cios ? sa?de al?m da fun??o b?sica de nutrir), como forma de agregar valor aos produtos da ind?stria de alimentos. O presente estudo objetiva analisar o sistema de inova??o de alimentos funcionais no Rio Grande do Sul, a partir da identifica??o dos agentes que o comp?e, a caracteriza??o de suas rela??es, bem como da demanda destes alimentos por parte dos consumidores ga?chos e a identifica??o dos alimentos funcionais em oferta no estado. A pesquisa, de car?ter explorat?rio, incluiu entrevistas com 13 indiv?duos de diferentes institui??es e ?reas de atua??o. Dados secund?rios foram utilizados para analisar o consumidor e observa??es foram feitas em pontos de venda. O sistema de inova??o de alimentos funcionais no Rio Grande do Sul mostrou-se fragmentado, com a exist?ncia de subgrupos. As nove categorias de agentes identificadas mostraram baixa intera??o devido ao desconhecimento dos pr?prios a respeito dos agentes que comp?e o sistema e o medo de compartilhar informa??es por parte das empresas. A P&D de alimentos funcionais mostrou-se centrada nas empresas, que contrap?em a id?ia de inova??o aberta, restringindo os conhecimentos ao uso interno. A exist?ncia de subgrupos e falta de intera??o prejudica o compartilhamento dos recursos e gera entrave ao sistema. As pol?ticas e regulamentos governamentais carecem de atualiza??o e ajustes, sendo criticadas pelos agentes sob a justificativa de alta burocracia e inflexibilidade. Embora os indicadores de mercado sejam positivos - visto os consumidores manifestarem alto consumo de alimentos funcionais e a oferta de alimentos ga?chos corresponderem a apenas 26% do total, indicando potencial de expans?o - os entraves no relacionamento dos agentes podem impedir o desenvolvimento e a consolida??o do sistema

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