Tightly-coupled manipulation pipelines: Combining traditional pipelines and end-to-end learning


Traditionally, robot manipulation tasks are solved by engineering solutions in a modular fashion --- typically consisting of object detection, pose estimation, grasp planning, motion planning, and finally run a control algorithm to execute the planned motion. This traditional approach to robot manipulation separates the hard problem of manipulation into several self-contained stages, which can be developed independently, and gives interpretable outputs at each stage of the pipeline. However, this approach comes with a plethora of issues, most notably, their generalisability to a broad range of tasks; it is common that as tasks get more difficult, the systems become increasingly complex. To combat the flaws of these systems, recent trends have seen robots visually learning to predict actions and grasp locations directly from sensor input in an end-to-end manner using deep neural networks, without the need to explicitly model the in-between modules. This thesis investigates a sample of methods, which fall somewhere on a spectrum from pipelined to fully end-to-end, which we believe to be more advantageous for developing a general manipulation system; one that could eventually be used in highly dynamic and unpredictable household environments. The investigation starts at the far end of the spectrum, where we explore learning an end-to-end controller in simulation and then transferring to the real world by employing domain randomisation, and finish on the other end, with a new pipeline, where the individual modules bear little resemblance to the "traditional" ones. The thesis concludes with a proposition of a new paradigm: Tightly-coupled Manipulation Pipelines (TMP). Rather than learning all modules implicitly in one large, end-to-end network or conversely, having individual, pre-defined modules that are developed independently, TMPs suggest taking the best of both world by tightly coupling actions to observations, whilst still maintaining structure via an undefined number of learned modules, which do not have to bear any resemblance to the modules seen in "traditional" systems.Open Acces

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