UKCEH at the Edinburgh Climate Festival, 14th Aug 2021, Leith Links, Edinburgh


In total over 200 people engaged with the UKCEH Team between noon and 6 pm on the 14th Aug 2021 at the Edinburgh Climate Festival. The stand fulfilled its aim to raise awareness of publicly funded research conducted at UKCEH Edinburgh, including the national capability project UK-SCAPE, as evidenced by the number of people attracted into the stand, the remarks made in conversations with the team members and written in the answers to the poster quiz. Three activities were offered to target different age groups: • Carbon Game – target children- duration typically 2-4 min, estimated 100 children and adults participated • Intergenerational trend in CO2 concentration – target all age ranges – duration typically 1 to 5 min, estimated 80 children and adults participated • Poster quiz – target adults - duration typically 5-20 min, 42 primarily adults participated. A wide range of conversations were noted by the UKCEH team members primarily focused on: • the role of carbon in the environment and link to climate change • the steep rise in CO2 concentration in the lifetime of the people present • the range of science conducted at a local institution • the variety of options that people could make to their life choices that could improve the environment • routes for a career in STEM subjects

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