Theories of Consumer Motivation and Behavior in the Final Consumption Market


U radu je naglasak na analizi teorija motivacije i poticajima kao čimbenicima koji utječu na smjer ponašanja potrošača. Krajnji potrošači su osobe koje troše proizvode i koriste usluge koje nabavljaju. Oni kupuju te koriste proizvode i usluge široke potrošnje za vlastitu upotrebu ili upotrebu svojeg kućanstva. Teorije ponašanja potrošača prikazuju model po kojem se potrošač ponaša kako bi ostvario zadovoljstvo prilikom svih potrošačkih procesa. U radu je provedeno empirijsko istraživanje na uzorku od 150 ispitanika kako bi se ukazalo na dinamiku odabira vođenu pokretačima poput čimbenika koji definiraju potrošače i njihov odabir prilikom donošenja odluke o kupnji. Putem provedenog istraživanja važno je saznati koji to motivi najviše utječu na potrošača i njegov odabir proizvoda. Poslovanje sa krajnjim potrošačima je ponekad vrlo dinamično zbog čestih i naglih promjena u ukusu i preferencijama prema proizvodima i uslugama, to dovodi do konstantnog ispitivanja njihovih potreba i želja od strane poduzeća i poduzetnika. Marketinški stručnjaci ulažu velike napore kako bi potrošačima na tržištu ponudili što veći asortiman proizvoda ili usluga kojim će potrošači na što bolji način zadovoljiti svoje potrebe. Prije same kupovine potrošač mora proći kroz nekoliko faza. Najprije spoznaje probleme, odnosno potrebe koje treba zadovoljiti. Nakon što otkrije probleme, potrošač pronalazi karakteristike proizvoda te izabire najbolju alternativu. Nakon procjene dolazi do kupovine proizvoda. Svaka osoba je različita i troši novac na različite načine. Ponašanje potrošača motivirano je mislima, osjećajima te uvjerenjima. Takve motivacije mogu potaknuti osobu na kupnju određenih proizvoda.The paper emphasizes the analysis of motivation theories and incentives as factors influencing the direction of consumer behavior. End consumers are people who consume products and use the services they procure. They buy and use consumer products and services for their own use or the use of their household. Theories of consumer behavior show a model by which the consumer behaves in order to achieve satisfaction in all consumer processes. The paper conducted an empirical study on a sample of 150 respondents to indicate the dynamics of choice driven by drivers such as factors that define consumers and their choice when making a purchase decision. Through research, it is important to find out which motives most influence the consumer and his choice of product. Doing business with end consumers is sometimes very dynamic due to frequent and sudden changes in taste and preferences towards products and services, this leads to a constant examination of their needs and desires by businesses and entrepreneurs. Marketing experts make great efforts to offer consumers in the market as wide a range of products or services that consumers will best meet their needs. Before the purchase itself, the consumer must go through several stages. He first realizes the problems, that is, the needs that need to be met. After discovering the problems, the consumer finds the characteristics of the product and chooses the best alternative. After the assessment, the product is purchased. Every person is different and spends money in different ways. Consumer behavior is motivated by thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Such motivations can encourage a person to buy certain products

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