SHAPESLewisham and the Shape of Lewisham: Connectivity, Communication and Construction in a Creative Enterprise Zone


This paper provides a deeper understanding of the challenges and needs of creative workers in Lewisham in order that the Creative Enterprise Zone's aims can be successfully pursued. Through thematic, analytic examination of academic literature and direct evidence from creative practitioners - via both original primary case studies, and wider peer group expert reflections (SHAPESLewisham Talks) - this research provides a rich grounding for the CEZ to: • support growth needs, as well as recognise, celebrate and leverage cultural capital created in, and by, those of the CEZ; • identify key issues of risk management (societal and economic) that can ensure the CEZ retains its diverse talent and builds scale, and; • work collaboratively with local educational settings to better understand and develop existing relationships between creative practitioners and organisations such as Goldsmiths University

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