Understanding the perspectives of frontline health workers (ASHAs, Anganwadi workers & ANMs) in Bundelkhand region to improve COVID-19 containment efforts


Community health workers (CHWs) have been the backbone of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in India. CHWs (such as ASHA workers, Anganwadi workers, and ANMs) have played a key role in preparing the national health system for the hyperbolic rise in COVID-19 cases and containing the spread of the virus at the ground level. Owing to their embeddedness in their communities, these CHWs can offer unique insight into our community-based COVID-19 responses. Despite this, the voices of health workers have been largely ignored in policy prescriptions and initiatives. In this short-term study, SRIJAN (Self Reliant Initiatives through Joint Action) aims to address this research gap. It covers the experiences and perspectives of CHWs fighting the COVID-19 pandemic in Bundelkhand, one of the poorest regions in rural India. In capturing the ground-reality in Bundelkhand, Stutilina Pal and Devanik Saha attempt to document the lessons learnt from the past year and incorporate them into future responses to health crises

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