As redes sociais nos espa?os escolares: mecanismos de socializa??o e constru??o do "self"


The study "Social networking in school environment: socialization mechanisms and construction of self" tries to understand the representation / presentation of the bloke and the students? socialization processes in school environments allied with the construction of meanings that students attribute to the use of social networks. In order to do that, it sought to determine whether the use of social networks have influenced the detachment or reformulations of relations face to face in school vacation, in view of the increasing use of mobile devices with access to social networks by students. It also tried to map the periods in which high school students who study at night use mobile phones at school X and which implications and changes are noticed in the dynamics of the classes and during breaks. For such explanations it calls on historical clippings of how modernity modifies school environments in aesthetic and behavioral terms. Specially, it was discussed the influence of information technologies focused on social networking and its implications in school environments covering socialization, communication, expression and the construction of the self among the students. The methods used were: 60 students covering quantitative and 10 students covering qualitative. Although, it is a phenomenon in transition it?s possible to point out that among students is consensus: social networks are mechanisms of socialization and contribute and strengthen friendship ties. School before social networks had more play, interaction and socialization. Cell phone used in classroom disrupts the school development, though, most of the students insist on using it even they are aware of its consequences and impacts on concentration and knowledge. Embarrassment situations and the search for popularity are common elements in social networks between friends or acquaintances, and family on social networking is understood as a pendulum, sometimes is positively and sometimes is inhibitor, inspecting the threads that students post in their social networks. General impact and friendships through social networks are also key parts of this survey.O estudo ?As redes sociais nos espa?os escolares: mecanismos de socializa??o e constru??o do self? busca entender a representa??o/ apresenta??o dos sujeitos e os processos de socializa??o dos estudantes nos espa?os escolares aliados a constru??o de sentidos que eles atribuem ao uso das redes sociais. Para tanto, procurou-se verificar se o uso das redes sociais t?m influenciado no distanciamento ou reformula??es das rela??es face a face nos intervalos escolares, tendo em vista o crescente uso, por parte dos estudantes, de aparelhos celulares com acesso ?s redes sociais. Buscou-se tamb?m mapear os per?odos em que os estudantes do Ensino M?dio noturno usam o celular na escola Rua do Saber e quais implica??es e altera??es s?o percebidas na din?mica das aulas e intervalos. Para tais explana??es recorro a recortes hist?ricos de como a modernidade modifica os espa?os escolares em termos est?ticos e comportamentais. Em espec?fico, foi abordado a influ?ncia das tecnologias de informa??es voltadas ?s redes sociais e suas implica??es nos ambientes escolares no que abrange a socializa??o, comunica??o e express?o e a constru??o do self entre os estudantes. Os m?todos utilizados foram: quantitativo abrangendo 60 estudantes, e qualitativo abrangendo 10 entrevistados. Embora, trate-se de um fen?meno em transi??o, ainda assim, ? poss?vel assinalar que entre os estudantes ? consenso que: as redes sociais s?o mecanismos de socializa??o e contribuem para fazer, e refor?ar os la?os de amizades. A escola antes das redes sociais tinha mais brincadeiras, intera??o e socializa??o. O celular em sala de aula atrapalha o desenvolvimento escolar, mas, que boa parte dos estudantes insistem em utilizar, mesmo assinalando as consequ?ncias e impactos para a concentra??o e conhecimento. As situa??es de constrangimento e busca de popularidade s?o elementos comuns nas redes sociais entre os amigos ou conhecidos, e a fam?lia na rede social ? entendida a partir de um movimento pendular em alguns momentos vista de forma positiva e outros momentos como inibidora, fiscalizadora das postagens que os estudantes fazem nas suas redes sociais. O impacto geracional e as amizades pelas redes sociais tamb?m s?o pe?as chaves da pesquis

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