γ spectroscopy of states in Cl 32 relevant for the S 31 (p,γ) Cl 32 reaction rate


Background: The S31(p,γ)Cl32 reaction becomes important for sulfur production in novae if the P31(p,α)Si28 reaction rate is somewhat greater than currently accepted. The rate of the S31(p,γ)Cl32 reaction is uncertain, primarily due to the properties of resonances at Ec.m.=156 and 549 keV. Purpose: We precisely determined the excitation energies of states in Cl32 through high-resolution γ spectroscopy including the two states most important for the S31(p,γ)Cl32 reaction at nova temperatures. Method: Excited states in Cl32 were populated using the B10(Mg24,2n)Cl32 reaction with a Mg24 beam from the ATLAS facility at Argonne National Laboratory. The reaction channel of interest was selected using recoils in the Fragment Mass Analyzer, and precise level energies were determined by detecting γ rays with Gammasphere. Results: We observed γ rays from the decay of six excited states in Cl32. The excitation energies for two unbound levels at Ex=1738.1 (6) keV and 2130.5 (10) keV were determined and found to be in agreement with a previous high-precision measurement of the S32(He3,t)Cl32 reaction [1]. Conclusions: An updated S31(p,γ)Cl32 reaction rate is presented. With the excitation energies of important levels firmly established, the dominant uncertainty in the reaction rate at nova temperatures is due to the strength of the resonance corresponding to the 2131-keV state in Cl32

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