Metabolites produced by three strains of Trichoderma harzianum reduced growth of Eutypa lata in vitro.
Volatile metabolites produced by T. harzianum were fungistatic towards both isolates of E. lata tested. Growth of
some isolates of E. lata was inhibited completely by non-volatile metabolites. Infection by E. lata was reduced in
autoclaved grapevine cane segments co-inoculated with spores of T. harzianum and E. lata. Scanning electron microscopic
examination of gamma-irradiated cane segments and living cuttings inoculated with T. harzianum and E. lata
suggested that antagonism in grapevine wood was mainly by antibiosis. Both the pathogen and the antagonist grew
in the xylem vessels and pith parenchyma cells of the wood